Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back from vacay and more Cheeto updates

Well we came back from vacation today and went and picked Cheeto up. He's in pretty good spirits considering everything he's been through (and the cone he has to wear). Everyone at the vet loved him and were sad to see him go.

We were told that now even after the surgery, he's doing great except for the fact that he's not urinating on his own. Um, excuse me? They're saying because of his neurological issues that he may not be feeling the sensation of a full bladder. The whole thing doesn't make much sense to me though. How do we go from a bladder infection back in June to all of a sudden him not being able to tell he has a full bladder? Geez...from one extreme to the next with this cat. First he's peeing all over the house, now he won't go at all. So we get to express his bladder for him. Oh yes, you read that right. We haven't done it yet tonight since when we picked him up earlier around 5:30, they had just done it and nothing came out. BUT...just about 20 minutes ago he peed on a Shamwow we had on the floor. So hopefully that means he CAN feel his full bladder. We shall see...


Rachel A said...

awe, poor cheeto, at least he's rockin' that cone collar!

Andrea said...

how long does he have to wear the cone?

Lori Z said...

He has to wear the cone for another week, until his stitches come out.

Rachel L said...

aw, poor baby- I give you guys a lot of credit though...he's so lucky to have such good parents!!! Get better soon Cheese! : (